This sumptuous mixed flower bouquet of yellow and white blooms is an expression of exuberance, provoking sensations of joy, cheerfulness and optimism. Yellow symbolises brilliance, gold and sunshine and is considered the happiest amongst all colours of the spectrum. No flower can lift spirits quite like sunflowers can. Bright, cheery and bold, the sunflower is a warm and caring gift. Mixed with a variety of other yellow and white beauties from the flower kingdom, this bouquet is a delight to behold. The exotic Alstroemeria, also called Inca lily, denotes devotion and friendship and lends some magic and mystique of the “lost cities” of South America. Luxurious Chrysanthemums with their significance of life and rebirth compliment the mix, with fountain grass and Michaelmas daisies for the final elegant touch.Flowers For Everyone ensures the finest quality, locally grown fresh flowers. Our flowers are harvested daily throughout the year at precisely the right moment to guarantee superb freshness, whilst being kept in an atmosphere of 5 degrees Celsius – scientifically proven to be the ideal temperature for optimal longevity. Our emphasis on locally grown flowers ensures minimal transportation and handling, before delighting your loved ones and adorning your home. Flower food is included.
Presented in our signature kraft paper and cellophane, accompanied with a beautiful card containing your personal message, this flower bouquet is sure to brighten someone’s day. Select from three different bouquet size options.
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